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cooking breakfast while camping

5 easy camping breakfast ideas

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  This is especially true if you are out in the wilderness and your day will be packed with physical activity.  Here are some tips and ideas to plan your breakfast for your camping trip.

The first consideration for your meal planning is decide the kind of camping you will undertake.  Backpackers will have much different considerations than car campers.

Time and clean up should also be considered.  If you have a busy day ahead, a complex breakfast may not be your best option.  Clean up can also be time consuming.  Rinsing out a bowl compared to washing and scraping pots and pans will affect departure time.

Calories are important when you will have a full day of physical exertion. Try to plan for a breakfast between 300-500 calories. 


Here are a few ideas to get you started on your meal planning:

 1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is surprisingly versatile. It is light, quick to cook and you can customize it to your liking. There are different types of oatmeal.  For camping, I recommend using instant or quick cooking oats. Before you leave, you can pre-mix ingredients into your oatmeal so it's ready to go.  Check out my recipe for instant oatmeal cups to get inspired.

2. Pancakes

Pancakes are another camping favourite. These will require a bit more time to cook and clean up.  However, if you aren't in a rush, this is a fantastic breakfast.  You can pre-mix your dry ingredients before you leave, that way you only need to add your wet ingredients when preparing in the morning.  There are also pancake mixes which will make your life easy.  Choose one where you only need to add water, like these Kodiak cakes. Of course, pancakes are always better with add-ins such as some freeze-dried or dried fruit. If you would like to boost your protein, try adding nuts or protein powder.  If you are car camping, fresh berries will bring them to the next level while adding some nutrients!

3. Granola

Granola is also a favourite. It's full of fibre, protein and carbs.  You can simply add it to yogourt or milk.  This is a perfect option if you wish to hit the trails quickly after wake-up.  No cooking required. If in the back-country, bring along powdered milk to be able to make milk on site.  There are now a variety of milk powders available: cashew milk, coconut milk, oat milk and cow milk. Simply measure out the amount of powder required and add water when ready to use.

As for the granola, there are plenty of choices these days. They are easily found at a grocery store, cafe or bakery.  You can also make some at home.  I love this recipe here: sea-salt-dark-chocolate-granola by the Minimalist baker.  It's quick to make and will last a month in an air tight container.


4. Omelette or Scrambled Eggs

scrambled eggs on camping stove

Ok, so I am one of those people who's omelette always turns into scrambled eggs. That being said, eggs are a perfect camping breakfast as they provide great protein and healthy fats. I like to add freeze-dried vegetable to mine. You can also add some taco spices or some dried herbs to add a bit more flavour.  Eggs are a tricky item to bring backpacking.  A few tricks are to scramble up you eggs at home, pour in a plastic water bottle and freeze.  You will however have to use them on the first morning if you don't have a cooler. There is also the option of powdered eggs for longer trips.

Try putting your eggs in a tortilla wrap to up your calorie count.

5. Smoothie

Smoothie outdoors

You are in a rush, and just want to hit the trails yet have something in your belly!  Well, a smoothie can do the trick.  There are several protein powder or smoothie drinks you can buy.  Try to choose one that incorporates a good amount of protein and some fruit and vegetables for vitamins.  Although you can usually add just water, I like to mix in some coconut milk powder (or canned coconut milk if weight is not an issue) or cashew milk powder for some healthy fats and extra calories.  Here are a few great local option with protein as well as fruit and veggie powders: and Wise By Nature.


If you have any ideas that I should add please leave in the comments.  I would love to know what is your favourite camping breakfast!



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